Than you, brother. As an Israeli Jew, it lightens my heart to see your humanity.

If you can, and if you feel knowledgeable enough about the subject, you can write about Israeli Palestinians (i.e citizens of Israel). Their leadership called for them not to join the violence, and there are heartwarming things happening such as the village Kfar Kassam offering help to the Jews who fled the warzone. The world needs to know that while the Gaza Palestinians chose war and death, Israeli Palestinians chose otherwise.

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I remember you from Countdown. This was a great read. Keep being awesome.

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Thanks! I'm still really sad I lost 110-111.

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I actually do have a serious question. As an American Jew, I think what was most shocking to me about this week was the response of pro-Palestinian groups around the world, rather than the actual massacre. It says a lot when the dominant response to these brutal acts is “let me tell you why you deserved this” and glee/celebration. Obviously a lot of criticism of Bibi, Likud, the peace process, settlers is warranted, but in the face of such brutality, not even to preface that criticism with a halfhearted condemnation is pretty sick, I think. In just one completely banal example, I saw a video of two CUNY students taking selfies while giving the finger to a poster of a child hostage. By far nowhere near the worst example, but I can literally not imagine myself doing such a thing to a picture of a Palestinian child, or feeling that way about a child.

So, my question- why does this conflict loom so large in the collective psyche of the Arab & greater Muslim world? It surely isn’t the most bloody conflict (Syria, Yemen, Isis/Iraq), or one with the most casualties, the most brutality, etc. but millions of people aren’t out in the streets for those. They aren’t attacking embassies and synagogues, etc. So what is it? Why this? Is it that we are “the other?” More than even what happened in Israel, this outpouring of hatred has made me feel like there is no hope, and that Jewish futures are incredibly tenuous.

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I cannot thank you enough for these words.

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I really appreciate your rare but valuable stance on this - people like you are the ones who will bring peace. I have an initiative I think you’d be perfect for to get off the ground, how can I contact with you?

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what made u stop believing in god. when did it happen. if u dont mind talking about it. what can the palestinians who cant leave, cause of lack of resources, do?

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are there any non muslims that support hamas?

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LittleImp asked:

"...why does this conflict loom so large in the collective psyche of the Arab & greater Muslim world? "

Let's all try to apply our learning and life experiences to answer this question.

My 3 cents follow.

A. It's like the football league in America. When the New England Patriots team won year after the year, everybody hated New England. People identify personally with a team, a tribe, or a nationalist identity group. If you kick my team, you kick me and I hate you.

B. Muslims to their credit have a deep sense of justice and self dignity. They share that with religious Christians and Jews. Muslims see the Israelis as criminals who invaded and stole their land. And forced them into exile. Jews felt that way about the Romans.

C. Adding fuel to the fire are the governments with cash and selfish reasons to stir the flames with propaganda.

Anyone have other ideas, please post.

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Thank you John. Every sane voice, every time I read a post by someone who is not Jewish or Israeli- and instead of calling us liars and denying what we went through on the 7th of October, and of course- the desire to kill me and all the Jews- nowadays is a light that shines so bright, fiercely, up against the mass “peaceful” protests against Israel (everywhere, but especially like the one that took place in LA where an elder Jewish man was murdered by a protestor who bushed his head with his megaphone). Thank you for saying what the world needs to hear. It’s feels like a nightmare: on one side- our prime minister with his awful government which I despise, on the other- the insane amount of antisemitism erupting and drowning everything, in the middle- the 7th of October. Everyday I learn something new about the slaughter that took place. And the people dying in Gaza because Hamas is using them protect itself. I appreciate you very much for what you say. Thank you. May we all have peace, the sooner the better. ❤️

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